Sunday, February 16, 2014

Parent'S Choice Bottle Warmer Instructions

Warm your baby's bottle with a Parent's Choice bottle warmer.

Portable bottle warmers provide a convenient way to warm your baby's bottle when you're on the go. There are several different versions or types of bottle warmers but they all essentially serve the same purpose. Wal-Mart stores sell the Parent's Choice bottle warmer. Parent's Choice is a Wal-Mart brand name that offers a variety of baby items, including compact size baby bottle warmers that are convenient for traveling. It is important to follow accurate instructions when warming your baby's bottle so that you won't burn her mouth.


1. Add water to the Parent's Choice baby bottle warmer and make sure you fill it to the fill line. Do not overfill the warmer.

2. Remove the nipple and top from your baby's bottle and place the bottle into the warmer. You can also use disposable bottle bags with the Parent's Choice bottle warmer.

3. Plug the bottle warmer into an electrical socket to activate the heat sensor. Check the milk periodically to make sure it is warm enough for your baby. Turn off or unplug the bottle warmer.

4. Carefully remove the bottle from the warmer and test the milk again on your fingertip or wrist before replacing the top and giving your baby the bottle.

Tips Warnings

You can use the Parent's Choice bottle warmer to also warm jars of baby food.

Shake the bottle to evenly distribute the warm milk. Make sure you test the temperature of the milk before giving the bottle to the baby to prevent burning your baby's tongue.

Tags: parent, choice, bottle, warmer, instructions, baby bottle, Parent Choice, your baby, bottle warmer, your baby bottle, bottle warmers, Choice bottle, Parent Choice bottle, bottle warmer