Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Prevent Plaque

A beautiful smile is attractive and a sign of proper oral hygiene. Although it takes work, the results of your efforts will be healthy white teeth. One condition to avoid is the build up of plaque. Learning to prevent plaque is the first step to a healthy smile.


1. Brush your teeth regularly. For best results, brush your teeth at least twice daily with a plaque fighting toothpaste. Be sure to brush each of your teeth. Plaque can build up quickly on tooth enamel leading to tartar and cavities.

2. Clean between your teeth. Use floss after each snack or meal to loosen food particles and reduce the chances of plaque build up. Try using a dental pick to reach tight spaces between teeth. Rinse your mouth with a fluoride mouthwash daily.

3. Clean your entire mouth. Use a tongue scraper or the back of your toothbrush to remove plaque from your tongue. Use floss or a dental pick to clean along the gum line. Plaque build up can cause harm to th entire mouth by contributing to other conditions like gingivitis.

4. Eat a healthy diet. Incorporate fruit and vegetables into your diet. Drink the recommended amounts of water for overall health and to wash away plaque. Sweets such as candies and cakes help plaque thrive by weakening tooth enamel. Since sweets are often eaten in between meals, it is less likely that you will brush and floss directly after ingesting them.

5. Get regular dental checkups. Visit your dentist every six months for an examination and professional teeth cleaning. The dentist will assess you dental health and recommend your best course of action.

Tags: your teeth, dental pick, entire mouth, tooth enamel