Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Natural Treatments For Candida

Candida is found naturally in the human body. It grows in small numbers, but when the immune system gets out of balance, it can multiple uncontrollably and create health problems. It can grow in different areas of the body, or travel through the blood system.

Causes of Candida Overgrowth

Another name for Candida is yeast. In a well-balanced body, it is controlled by good bacteria. The good bacteria can sometimes be killed by things such as antibiotics. When antibiotics kill off the good bacteria, the yeast or Candida can grow in abundance, causing yeast infections.

Symptoms of Candida

Candida can cause an array of symptoms; from itching and burning, fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, stomach pain, poor memory, anxiety, constipation, joint swelling, slowed menstruation and prostatitis.

Natural Treatments For Candida

Acidophilus is a good bacteria that helps control Candida. If an infestation of Candida happens, taking acidophilus can help get the balance back in check. Another natural treatment is fiber. Mixing one teaspoon or one tablespoon of fiber in a glass of water can be helpful. The fiber should be taken on an empty stomach.

More Natural Treatments

Another recommendation for treating Candida naturally is with enteric garlic pills. Enteric means that it is delivered to and dissolves in the stomach. Garlic taken with enteric-coated volatile oil will absorb in the stomach much better. Take the garlic pill two times a day with the volatile oil.

Considerations When Taking Natural Remedies

Even natural remedies can interact with other medication. You should always make sure you consult your physician before trying anything new, including natural remedies. They can have their own side effects as well, so the same precautions should be taken with natural remedies as with prescribed remedies.

Tags: good bacteria, natural remedies, Natural Treatments, Natural Treatments Candida, should taken, taken with