Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Teen Girls Exercise Tips

Teen girls need exercise for a number of reasons. Their bodies are rapidly changing, and increased independence can lead to poor eating habits; exercise can help them balance things out. Many teens actually exercise less during these crucial years, in part due to insecurities, but also because other activities consume their time. If you're a teen girl, here are some tips to help you stay on track.


The most important thing you can do is stretch before and after exercise. This will help prevent injury, and it will prevent muscles from building up and becoming bulky like the muscles guys seek. Stretching after exercise elongates your muscles so you'll have lean, toned lines, not a muscle-man build.

Ten to Fifteen Minutes of Cardio

After stretching, warm up your body with ten to fifteen minutes of cardiovascular exercise. Cardio can be dance, running, jogging, jumping rope, climbing stairs or riding a bike. Any of these exercises will bring your heart rate up to a level where you can burn fat and build lean muscle mass.

Ten Minutes of Weight Training

Most teen girls avoid lifting weights, thinking it will build up their arms and make them look like guys. That is not true. Light weight-training will keep your muscles toned, and it will work muscles you don't use in the course of a regular day. Slow reps of basic arm curls, straight-arm lifts, and back-strength training work will help keep you toned and improve your posture.

Get Your Friends Involved

Make exercise fun by getting your friends involved. Join a sports team and go to the gym together. Or meet with some friends at the park, stretch, walk and then play a game of basketball or volleyball or do some yoga and pilates together in the grass. Take turns having one person being the fitness teacher, and follow along as if she's your personal coach. You'll get to hang out together and help your body at the same time.

Tags: after exercise, will help, your body, your muscles