Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Feel Energetic In The Morning

Do you often feel sluggish in the morning as you try to start your day? You drag, moan, feel lethargic and achy. Your eyes are shut tight , maybe red and puffy. You just can't get going, all you want to do is crawl back into bed. Well, here are a few tips that can make you feel a whole lot better!


1. Get yourself on a schedule. Going to bed at 11:00 one night and than 1 am or 12 am on other nights, is not going to help you. See if you can go to bed at the same time every night. Once you get into a routine, you will find it a lot easier to stick to it.

2. Get a good night's sleep. While I understand some people just can not fall asleep at 10:00 every night, I also know that if you need to get up at 6 am, going to bed at 1 am is not helping you in feeling good in the morning. You need, we all need sleep. A good 7-8 hours is essential for over all good health. Sleep deprivation causes headaches, heart problems, sleep it important for the immune system, it restores and renews, reduces heart problems and other diseases as well.

3. Change your mattress or turn it over every few months. Few people realize that if your mattress is old and wearing down it can cause a lot of problems that may interfere with sleep. One example is your back and neck. If your spine is not aligned correctly, hence due to a bad mattress, you can wake up feeling fatigued. Something to think about and look into, if it's more than 7 years old, time to invest in a new one.

4. Get up a few minutes earlier and do some stretches. Take a yoga matt out or even while in your bed. Take your knees into your chest, extend your legs out and up, flex and straighten your feet. Just a few simple stretches can make a big difference.

5. Drink a large glass of water. Water hydrates and helps with that sluggish feeling. Try it works.

6. Take a cool shower in the morning. I know most people love a hit shower, but the cool water if you can stand it will make you feel awake and refreshed if you are feeling anything but.

7. Do not eat anything at least an hour or 2 before bed time. Going to bed feeling light and not uncomfortable with food sitting in your belly can help a lot. Eating before bedtime can contribute to a few problems. Stomach aches, feeling heavy and bloated while sleeping, hence having a problem sleeping. When you get into bed, you want to feel at ease, eating a meal right before or even an hour before can make you feel, not so great. This is one of the reasons why people wake up cranky and irritible and groggy belive it or not.

Tags: make feel, every night, heart problems, hour before, your mattress