Friday, March 4, 2011

What Impurities Give Rose Quartz Its Color

Physical Properties

Quartz belongs to the silicates class of minerals. It is composed of silicon oxide and is one of the most common minerals found in the Earth's crust. It crystallizes from igneous magma, generally forming hexagonal, prismatic crystals. Often, quartz is twinned. Quartz is also rotary polar, meaning the crystal formed is either right- or left-handed. This is caused by the spiral structure inherent of the linked silicon-oxygen tetrahedra in quartz. Quartz may also contain gas or liquid bubbles that are easily visible to the naked eye. Quartz comes in a variety of colors, the color due to impurities within the crystal. Of these, rose quartz is one of the more highly prized varieties.


Without impurities, pure (rock crystal) quartz is clear. With impurities, other varieties emerge: milky quartz, smoky quartz, blue quartz, citrine, amethyst, tiger's eye, rutilated quartz, aventurine quartz and rose quartz. Rose quartz is believed to derive its color from traces of manganese, titanium or iron. While the rose colored crystal occurs in many pegmatites, well-formed crystals are rare. It can lose its color if heated. If exposed to radiation, rose quartz can turn black.

Metaphysical Properties

Pink is known to be a soothing color. Just so, rose quartz is a soothing stone, often used for love and healing. It aids in helping people learn to love themselves, to accept themselves and therefore be more open to love from others. Its use is often tied to the heart chakra, to open the heart and bring clarity to it. By opening up the heart for love, the crystal helps remove negative, counterproductive emotions such as hate and jealousy. Rose quartz channels divine energy.

Tags: rose quartz, Quartz also