Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Signs Of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the United States. Early detection of breast cancer can improve survival significantly. Patients with breast cancer detected at early stages have a survival rate of 95%. Early detection of breast cancer can be done either through breast self-exam or routine mammogram screening. The most common symptom of breast cancer is the presence of a hard lump in the breast.


About half of breast lumps are located in the upper outer quarter of the breast.


Roughly one out of ten breast lumps turns out to be cancerous.


The presence of a hard lump may make the breasts appear asymmetrical.

Other Symptoms

Other symptoms include nipple discharge (either bloody or colorless fluid), nipple retraction and changes in contour or texture.

Types of Breast Lumps

In addition to breast cancer, other types of breast lumps include cysts, fibroadenomas and pseudolumps.


Many breast cancers have no symptoms at all and can only be detected by mammography.

Tags: breast cancer, breast lumps, detection breast, detection breast cancer, Early detection, Early detection breast, hard lump