Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ocean Spray Unsweetened Cranberry Juice Blend Vs Pure Cranberry Juice For A Uti

Cranberry juice is an effective remedy to cure urinary tract infections (UTI) because the acidity flushes bacteria from the bladder. Either Ocean Spray Unsweetened Cranberry Juice Blend or pure cranberry juice can help prevent or relieve an infection, though there are more benefits to using the pure variety.

Pure Cranberry Juice

Pure, unsweetened cranberry juice is effective in staving off a UTI or reversing existing cases. The acidity in the juice prevents bacteria from forming and rids the body of any existing bacteria.

Benefits of Unsweetened Juice

Cranberry juice is a strong antidote for UTI, although the unsweetened type is preferable. The sugars in the regular varieties are not beneficial for the teeth, and sugar is not favorable for overall health.

Ocean Spray Unsweetened Cranberry Juice Blend

Ocean Spray Unsweetened Cranberry Juice Blend also works to treat UTIs. However, it does not contain 100 percent cranberry juice. Other types of juice can help, but not necessarily treat, a UTI. Although unsweetened, the sugars in other fruits add to the sugar content of the beverage.

About Bottled Juices

One issue with bottled juices is the sugars, salts and preservatives included in each bottle. Although they help UTIs, these other factors counterbalance the benefit.

Fresh Squeezed Is Best

Although pure cranberry juice and Ocean Spray Unsweetened Cranberry Juice Blend can help with UTI, the best is fresh squeezed cranberry juice over bottled types. It has the purest medicinal values, natural vitamins and no additives.

Tags: Cranberry Juice Blend, Juice Blend, Ocean Spray, Ocean Spray Unsweetened, Spray Unsweetened