Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Meaning & Uses Of Hematite

Hematite is a common mineral form of iron oxide found in various places around the globe. It is abundant on the planet Mars, which is known for its characteristic red hue. Throughout history, hematite has been used for various purposes such as healing, jewelry and even the making of war paint.


In ancient times, hematite was associated with the god of war. The ancient Romans believed the mineral made them invincible in battle, so hematite was used for adornment in jewelry and as a face paint. Native Americans also shared the belief that the mineral would protect them in battle. Ancient Egyptians referred to hematite as bloodstone. They believed hematite could be used to treat blood disorders and control bleeding. Hematite was also used in the making of Babylonian seals. During the 18th and 19th centuries, hematite jewelry was worn during mourning periods.

Modern Uses

Although hematite is not as popular as many other gemstones, one of its primary uses is still in the making of jewelry. Hematite is often considered too heavy to be worn on a regular basis, but its shiny, metallic appearance is still appealing. Hematite jewelry can be found in practically all forms including pendants, earrings and bracelets. Hematite is used to make red okra and is often used to make the red color in paints. It is the main mineral component of iron.

Metaphysical Properties

Magic practitioners often use gemstones in spells and rituals because of the properties believed to exist within these stones. Hematite is believed to transform negativity and promote optimism. It is known as a grounding stone, thought to increase courage and self-esteem and reduce stress. It is a good stone to aid communication as well as for those just learning meditate. It acts as a stabilizing force to balance the mind, body and spirit.

Healing Properties

Practitioners of alternative healing methods often utilize gemstones in their healing work as well and hematite is believed to have certain healing properties. Hematite is used to alleviate fever and draw illness from the body. It is used to improve memory function, stabilize blood circulation and improve oxygen supply throughout the body. Some people experience inflammation when wearing hematite in direct contact with the skin. If inflammation occurs when wearing hematite jewelry, remove the item or wear it in a way that it does not directly touch the skin.

Tags: Hematite used, used make, wearing hematite, when wearing, when wearing hematite