Friday, July 3, 2009

The Best Natural Remedy To Get Rid Of Blemishes With Honey

Honey can sweeten not just your tea but your face. The sticky substance we get from bees has antiseptic and humectant (moisture-retaining) properties that make it a natural beauty aid. Folk wisdom offers a range of different remedies using honey to treat skin blemishes. Which one works for you may depend on what type of breakout you are experiencing. Since you already have the chief ingredient in your kitchen, you can give them all a try.

Quick and Easy

Put a little honey on your blemish, and place an adhesive bandage on top to hold the honey in place. Go to sleep with it on. Many people report waking up to find their blemish has disappeared or at least diminished in size using this strategy.

Mix It Up

Combine honey with some form of citrus juice (lemon, lime and orange are all recommended by various sources). The juice will help dry up the excess oils that cause the blemish. Apply to the face like a mask and leave on for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse off. The ayurvedic tradition of India recommends using a mixture of honey and powdered milk for clearer skin. The ayurvedic cure for scars left by blemishes is honey mixed with turmeric.

Honey and Health

Skin blemishes can mean a deeper health imbalance. Try to get regular sleep, drink more water, and eat more whole foods. If blemishes persist after using home remedies or over-the-counter products, or if they appear infected, consult a physician.
