Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Become An Aromatherapist

Become an Aromatherapist

In aromatherapy, botanical oils are used to supposedly treat a variety of ailments, from depression to stress. These oils may be inhaled or massaged into the skin. Aromatherapists are professionals trained in aromatherapy techniques who use these techniques to foster health and well-being in their clients. You can become an aromatherapist through specialized education and hands-on experience.


Become an Aromatherapist

1. Get a history lesson. Learn about the history of aromatherapy and its many applications. Books like "Advanced Aromatherapy: The Science of Essential Oil Therapy" by Kurt Schnaubelt can help inform you regarding the many facets of this discipline and may be purchased online (see Resources below).

2. Seek training. Taking aromatherapy classes is the surest way to guarantee that you have the kind of solid foundation necessary to become an aromatherapist. The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapists (NAHA) Web site can help you find aromatherapy schools in your area, since it offers a list of schools that is searchable by region (see Resources below).

3. Decide on what type of office space best suits your needs. You may share space with another alternative healthcare provider, such as a chiropractor. You may work out of your home. Or you may rent a space to dedicate solely to your practice. The path you choose will depend on your finances and your expectations regarding the revenue potential of your business endeavor.

4. Network your way to success. Join groups and organizations in the alternative healthcare field to make the sort of contacts that can help your career as an aromatherapist grow.

Tags: Become Aromatherapist, alternative healthcare, Resources below