Friday, July 10, 2009

How Often To Use Nioxin

Daily Use Recommended

Nioxin hair care products are designed for daily use. With an impressive array of natural ingredients, including herbs and botanicals, the beneficial effects of Nioxin will build over time. However, depending on an individual's hair health and the goals of a Nioxin user, the rate of use can be adjusted.

Use Less for Healthier Hair

For hair that is healthy and free of any damage, Nioxin can be used daily as recommended, or it can be used more sparingly as a form of maintenance hair care. Although it would be most beneficial to use Nioxin on a daily basis, some of the beneficial effects can be realized with less frequent use.

Use More for Unhealthy or Damaged Hair

For hair that shows signs of damage, it is advised that Nioxin be used daily on a consistent basis. Nioxin is formulated with an array of herbs and botanicals designed to create an optimum scalp environment, which is the basis for a healthy head of hair. Daily use will revitalize and nourish unhealthy and/or damaged hair in the quickest time possible.

Tags: beneficial effects, hair care, Hair hair, Hair hair that, hair that