Thursday, June 20, 2013

Using Juniper Oil On A Horse

Juniper needles, wood and berries are used to make the essential oil.

With all the chemicals that horses are exposed to on a daily basis, many owners are trying to use natural substances to treat minor ailments that their horses have or to deter pests. While essential oils such a juniper oil are more commonly used by humans, they can have the same effects on animals. You can use juniper oil, which has antiseptic, anti-spasmodic and detoxification properties, to treat a variety of horse ailments or to repel insects that annoy them. Just remember to always dilute the essential oil before applying it on a horse.

Pest Control

The strong smell of juniper oil is not only distinctive and pleasing but it also can be used to repel bugs that bother horses. Ranging from flies to ticks, the bugs can not only be annoying to horses but also can cause disease, such as Lyme disease. Use diluted juniper oil combined with other essential oils -- such as lemongrass, cedar, citronella, peppermint, or eucalyptus -- to spray all over a horse's coat to deter biting insects and other pests.

Toxin-Buildup Reduction

As with humans, horses tend to have a buildup of toxins, such as lactic acid, after a hard workout. This can cause their muscles to seize up and produce discomfort for one to two days after exercising or training. To prevent this, use juniper oil as a rub on a horse's sore and strenuously exercised muscles to reduce the amount of buildup. Use the oil in a cooling wash or as a massage oil.

Wound Treatment

When diluted and mixed in a poultice or placed on a bandage, juniper oil is an effective treatment for wounds. Possessing antibacterial properties and capable of speeding up healing time, juniper oil should be dabbed on wounds or around stitches once or twice a day, or as directed by your veterinarian or animal doctor.


Juniper oil is widely used in aromatherapy. A horse can experience muscle relaxation or calmed nerves, for example, just by breathing in the aroma of juniper oil. The animal will experience the aromatherapy benefits of the oil any time that it's applied to the horse. If you do not apply the oil directly on the horse, place it in an essential oil diffuser in its stall.

Tags: essential oils, essential oils such, oils such