Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Breast Reduction Surgery Recovery

Breast Reduction Surgery Recovery

Breast Reduction Surgery Procedure

Breast reduction surgery is a procedure that is performed by a plastic or cosmetic surgeon in order to reduce large breasts that may be bothering women due to back problems or other discomfort. The procedure is generally done in the hospital and general anesthesia is used. An incision is placed around the areola, then another incision is placed under the areola to the crease just under the breast. A third incision is made that follows the curve of the underside of the breast. Then the nipple and areola are shifted up slightly and reduced, if necessary, and excess tissue is removed from the breast; the remainder is reshaped.

Breast Reduction Surgery Recovery

The day after your surgery, you should try to get up and move around at least two or three times during the day, although you will most likely be feeling very tired. Sleep on your back in order to reduce the pressure on your breasts and chest, which will feel very tender. You will be given a support bra to wear throughout the next few weeks in order to maintain the shape of the breasts and prevent them from drooping. Any drains that have been placed into your breasts will be removed several days after surgery, and stitches will be removed regularly for three weeks after surgery, starting about one week after the procedure. After several weeks or up to a month, you can resume normal activities.

Warnings About Breast Reduction Surgery

If after the breast reduction surgery you are feeling unable to breathe, if you notice any abnormal swelling in the breasts or chest, or if you develop a rash, contact your doctor immediately. After waking up from surgery, you may experience nausea or vomiting, which is normal unless it lasts longer than a few hours. Contact your doctor as well if you can't keep any food down or keep vomiting past several hours after surgery.

Tags: Breast Reduction Surgery, Reduction Surgery, after surgery, Breast Reduction, Reduction Surgery Recovery