Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Bunion Comfort & Prevention

High heels crowd the toes, possibly leading to bunions

Most people rely on their feet to get them around, so foot health and comfort are important. Bunions are a painful condition of the feet, but you can take some steps to ease the situation.

Condition and Causes

Bunions are abnormalities of the joint that connects the big toe to the foot. This abnormality causes a painful bony bulge on the outside of the foot and causes the big toe to curl toward the rest of the toes. Improper footwear is one cause of bunions, but so are health issues such as recent foot injuries, diseases like arthritis, and genetics.


The best prevention for bunions is to wear shoes that fit properly. This means that they give the foot ample space and don't crowd the toes. In fact, women are more prone to bunions then men because women commonly wear tighter shoes. Adhesive cushions and orthotic implants in shoes are also good preventive measures.

Comfort and Treatment

Bunions can lead to difficulty walking or standing if left untreated. Over-the-counter pain pills as well as corticosteroid injections can ease the pain of bunions, and proper footwear often eventually corrects the problem. In some cases, however, bunions require corrective surgery.

Tags: crowd toes