Monday, July 9, 2012

Reduce Risk Factors For Hypertension

There are some risk factors for hypertension that you can't do anything about, like heredity, aging, and race, but there are several lifestyle changes you can make to lower your blood pressure. Some are simple, but others take a commitment on your part to change something in your life you may not want to change. Implement some or all of the following suggestions and you'll have a better chance of avoiding hypertension and the resulting complications.


1. Eliminate, reduce, or replace salt in your diet. This decreases blood pressure in about 60% of people. There are many delicious foods without salt and salt substitutes or spices that flavor your food so that you won't even miss the salt.

2. Lose weight and regularly exercise. Mild exercise can reduce blood pressure and improve blood flow.

3. Increase calcium, magnesium, and potassium to lower blood pressure. Eating low fat or fat free dairy foods along with whole grains, fruits and vegetables has been effective in reducing blood pressure.

4. Try relaxation therapy to reduce your stress level. Reducing stress can reduce your blood pressure

5. Switch to aspirin, which doesn't increase your blood pressure, if you use pain medicines like naproxen, ibuprofen or celecoxib. Use of these medications for a long time increases your risk of developing hypertension.

6. Seek treatment if you suspect you have sleep apnea or a sleep disorder. People with sleep disorders are more likely to develop hypertension.

7. Limit alcohol to two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women.

8. STOP SMOKING! Yes, I know you believe it relieves your stress, relaxes you, and helps you sleep. But even though there are few, if any, visible symptoms of hypertension, high blood pressure combined with smoking will sooner or later (probably sooner) change your lifestyle in ways you really don't want it changed. It's better to briefly suffer a little inconvenience than to permanently damage your heart, kidneys, eyes or have a stroke.

Tags: blood pressure, your blood, your blood pressure, reduce your, your stress