Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Home Fever Reducer Remedies

Fever is one of the first signs that something is not right within the body. It typically accompanies an infection or illness. There are over-the-counter medications to relieve fever, but they may come with side effects. Home fever reducer remedies can be used for low grade fevers. In adults, if the fever reaches 103 degrees, medical care should be sought. For children, anything over 100 is enough to warrant a trip to the doctor.


Consuming beverages is important when you have a fever, as it can promote fluid loss and dehydration. Water, juice and sports drinks such as Gatorade are the most effective in keep yourself hydrated. For children, Pedialyte works well in keeping their bodies hydrated, and comes in different flavors so your child will like it.

Warm Baths

Soaking in a tub of lukewarm water can help reduce a fever. This works well when battling high fevers. The water should not be too hot as the heat can raise the body temperature even more. However, the coolness of too cold water could cause shivering, which will also raise the internal body temperature. Soak in the water for no more than 15 minutes, then promptly dry and dress yourself to prevent chills.


Getting plenty of rest when you have a fever will help relieve you of it. This is because your body needs the strength to fight the infection that usually accompanies a fever. Moving around will take some of this energy, and will leave you with a weaker immune system, prolonging your illness. Also, activity can raise your body temperature, which would promote the fever.

Cold Compress

Applying a cool, moist washcloth to the forehead can help lower the body temperature, and therefore relieve the fever. The cloth should not be too cold, as it is not good for the body for the temperature to drop too quickly. Place the cool compress on the forehead, and re-wet it every 10 minutes, or as it starts to warm up.

Tags: body temperature, have fever, relieve fever, when have, when have fever, works well