Monday, September 26, 2011

Repair A Chi Machine

The Chi Machine is a device used in medical facilities and homes globally for massage therapy and reflexology. Its therapeutic, healthful benefits are similar to the results achieved from traditional massage, such as relaxation and pain management. Working with a defective Chi Machine, however, could turn the most relaxing situation into a frustrating one. Repairing a Chi Machine doesn't require tools or handling potentially hazardous materials -- you simply return it to one of the company's repair facilities.


1. Call the appropriate telephone number for the closest repair center near you. See the References section for repair centers across the world.

2. Ask for a repair number (RP) when you reach an operator.

3. Give the next available assistant the original invoice order number from your purchase order receipt.

4. Let the assistant know your Chi Machine is under warranty, if applicable. If the device is under warranty, the repair will be free.

5. Box the machine, including your warranty number or certificate, and address it to the repair center that matches your RP number. Write the RP number and the original invoice order number on the outside of the box.

6. Mail the Chi Machine to the appropriate repair center.

Tags: repair center, invoice order, invoice order number, order number, original invoice