Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Copper Bracelets For Pain Relief

Copper bracelets have been used for years to induce pain relief for those who suffer from maladies like arthritis, joint pain and other painful conditions. Some claim that they help immensely, some claim that they don't help at all, and some know that it might just be a placebo effect taking place. However, it is a viable solution for some users to find pain relief.


Cooper bracelets have been used for many years as a way for those suffering from pain to find some relief, begun by the ancient Greeks. In the 1970's, studies were completed, pitting the copper bracelet against a placebo, and it was shown that a copper bracelet was in fact more effective when tested on those suffering from arthritis pain. Decades of patients diagnosed with arthritis have looked towards these copper bracelets to relieve their pain.

Scientific Backing

Besides a few scattered placebo tests, the effectiveness of copper bracelets being used for pain relief has not been widely tested nor proved. An animal test using copper taken by mouth showed that a copper supplement did reduce the pain of arthritis and slowed the progression of the disease. Hpwever, this copper supplement was taken by mouth and not worn as jewelry. The bracelets are a good source of antioxidants, but most food sources are even better.

Wearing a Bracelet

If you suffer from pain, and have tried everything, there is absolutely no harm in wearing a copper bracelet and hoping for positive effects. It may not heal your pain, but it could potentially ease it, or at the very least, trick you into thinking that you feel better. With so many attractive options, copper bracelets also make a fashion statement, and no one will even know that you are wearing one for pain relief. Copper bracelets are an inexpensive way to try to feel better.

Tags: pain relief, copper bracelet, been used, bracelets have, bracelets have been, claim that