Monday, November 8, 2010

Fade Age Spots

Age spots are dark marks that occur on the skin as a result of sun exposure. Also known as sun spots or freckles, age spots are more common on older individuals, simply due to the greater amount of sun they have received over the years. If you want to fade age spots, you have to take steps to protect your skin from the sun's rays. You can also employ a variety of treatments that will help to fade your age spots over time. With diligence, you'll see results.


1. Apply sunscreen. You must protect your skin from the sun's damaging rays if you wish to fade age spots. Wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF level on all areas of exposed skin. Use sunscreen year-'round, even on cloudy or rainy days.

2. Wear sun-protective clothing. While sunscreen is essential, it doesn't offer total protection. If you will be spending prolonged periods of time in the sun, wear a broad-rimmed hat and UV-protective sunglasses. Choose long-sleeved shirts and pants, rather than tank tops and shorts.

3. Use a fade cream on your age spots. Such creams are available over the counter at most cosmetic or drug stores. With regular application, the creams will gradually lighten your darker age spots. Generally, you must apply fade creams twice a day for at least 4 weeks to see results.

4. Talk to your dermatologist about prescription bleaching creams. These creams are stronger than those available over the counter. Due to their higher strength, your skin may be more sensitive to prescription fade creams. Apply a dab of the cream to a small spot of skin prior to a full application, to test your sensitivity level.

5. Get chemical peels. A licensed practitioner (often a dermatologist) will apply chemicals to your age spots. The chemicals will burn away the top layers of skin to reveal the less-damaged skin below. Once your skin has healed, your age spots will be lighter and less noticeable. Often, a series of chemical peels is required to achieve the desired results.

6. Choose microdermabrasion treatments. A small sandblaster-type device is used to buff away the top layers of your skin. As a result, younger skin can be seen that is more even in tone. After a series of sessions, your age spots will be lightened, and will more readily blend in with the surrounding skin.

7. Consider laser therapy. During such treatment, a dermatologist applies laser light to your age spots. The light breaks up the darker pigment in the spots, thereby fading them. In addition, laser light stimulates collagen production, making skin appear firmer and younger. Repeated sessions are usually necessary.

Tags: your spots, your skin, your spots will, available over, available over counter