Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Best Treatment For Herpes

Holistic living websites claim to have the best natural treatment for lesions caused by the Herpes Simplex 2 virus. So do online marketers, which hawk snake oil treatments and permanent "cures" for this incurable infection. The best treatments, however, are one of three oral medications approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

USDA Approved Therapy

There are three antiviral drugs that have been proven to treat the symptoms of genital herpes: Acyclovir, Famciclovir and Valacyclovir. You may recognize these medications by their brand names, Zovirax, Famvir and Valtrex, respectively. These antivirals have undergone rigorous research, laboratory testing and clinical trials administered by the FDA, and bear the agency's stamp of approval. Antivirals are particularly helpful during an initial outbreak of herpes by reducing physical symptoms (lesions) and helping genital sores heal more quickly. They've also been proven to reduce the frequency and severity of subsequent outbreaks. Additionally, taking one of these drugs reduces your chance of spreading the virus to someone else through sexual contact. Antiviral medications must be obtained with a doctor's prescription.

According to the Mayo Clinic, there are no over-the-counter products that have been proven to treat herpes. "Effective" treatment using herbs, nutrients, supplements and holistic remedies is strictly anecdotal and is not supported by clinical studies.

Episodic Therapy

Antiviral medications can be taken episodically, usually during the course of an outbreak, or right as the first lesion begins to emerge. Antiviral drug use can lessen the duration and severity of an outbreak. Episodic therapy is appropriate for someone who's not sexually active, or for couples who both have genital herpes caused by either the Simplex 1 or 2 virus (if both partners already have genital herpes, it cannot be transmitted again, even during an active outbreak).

Suppressive Therapy

Suppressive therapy involves the daily use of antiviral medication, and can be quite effective in reducing the frequency of outbreaks. According to the Mayo Clinic, in patients who experienced at least six outbreaks a year or more, daily suppressive therapy reduced outbreak frequency by up to 80 percent. Daily antiviral drug therapy is recommended for anyone who experiences frequent outbreaks or for those who are sexually active with partners not infected with herpes. It's also recommended if one partner has herpes of the mouth (HSV-1) and the other partner has genital lesions caused by HSV-2.

Tags: been proven, genital herpes, According Mayo, According Mayo Clinic, Antiviral medications, been proven treat, have been