Friday, February 20, 2009


Snoring jokes abound in cartoons and movies, but snoring is not very funny in real life. It affects couples who lose sleep because of the noise or anyone who misses out on the deep sleep his body needs. Snoring can be far more than a nuisance; in many cases, chronic snoring is a symptom of an underlying, serious condition.

The Facts

When your airways narrow during sleep, the result is snoring. This narrowing can be caused by mucus or other material blocking the airway (as in the case of the common cold or allergies), or it can be caused by tissues in the throat relaxing---the soft palate, tongue, and other tissues and muscle---and obstructing the airway. Alcohol and sedatives worsen snoring because they relax those tissues. Obesity worsens snoring because the greater the amount of fat stored in surrounding tissues, the greater the amount of tissue there is to obstruct the airway.

Risk Factors

For some, snoring is a serious medical issue. Even quiet snoring can interfere with sleep and cause fatigue, depression, emotional volatility, elevated blood pressure and other medical problems associated with chronic sleep deprivation. More seriously, snoring can be a symptom of sleep apnea---and people with sleep apnea stop breathing several times during sleep. If you chronically snore, you should get yourself checked out by a doctor to rule out underlying health problems.


You may snore without realizing you do. Fatigue and irritability may indicate you are snoring and that it is keeping you from getting an adequate night's sleep. If you wake up tired and feel wiped out many days for no apparent reason, snoring may be the culprit.


To distinguish the cause of your snoring and make certain you don't have sleep apnea, your doctor may send you to a sleep lab. There you will be hooked up to medical equipment that tracks respiration, heart rate and sometimes brainwaves. You will be monitored throughout the night, and sleep lab technicians will be able to determine if you stop breathing at any time. Sleep apnea is very common, and doctors nearly always suspect this disorder in patients complaining of snoring and fatigue.


Snoring can strain marriages and is bad for your health. Whatever the assumed cause of snoring, it should always be checked out if it is chronic and seems to be interfering with restful sleep. Fortunately, there are treatments for snoring. Some treatments are non-invasive and inexpensive---nose strips, for instance, are available at pharmacies and grocery stores and bring some people relief from snoring. Other treatments are available as well; serious cases may require surgery. If you have apnea, there are devices that can help that, too.

Tags: during sleep, greater amount, night sleep, sleep apnea, snoring because