Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Heal From Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Heal from Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Wisdom teeth extractions vary from person to person. The majority of patients, however, receive impacted extractions. This is when the entire tooth, or part of the tooth has not erupted from the gums. You may not be able to see the wisdom teeth at all in these cases. Surgery can be difficult no matter what type you receive. This article will help you heal from your own wisdom teeth surgery.


1. Chomp down on the gauze packing placed in your mouth during your wisdom teeth extraction. In fact, this gauze should stay in your mouth for about an hour. Then, replace it with another packing of gauze. Keep the area packed for about 8 hours.

2. Refrain from brushing your teeth for the first 24 hours. This could prevent the blood from clotting properly. The blood clot created from wisdom teeth extraction eventually turns into bone and gum tissue, so this clot is very important.

3. Place a tea bag over the clot 24 hours after your wisdom teeth extraction if it still oozes a small amount of blood. This will help to restrict the blood vessels and stop the bleeding.

4. Place 1/2 teaspoon salt into a cup of warm water and swish it around the surgical sight 24 hours after wisdom teeth extraction. This will help easy pain and speed up healing. Do not, however, spit out the water, simply let it drip out of your mouth over the sink.

5. Use tylenol or any type of prescribed medication from your oral surgeon after your wisdom teeth extraction. You can also you hot and cold compresses on the outside of your jaw. This actually does quite a bit for the pain.

Tags: your wisdom teeth, wisdom teeth, your wisdom, will help, wisdom teeth extraction, your mouth, after your