Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Treat Canker Sores Naturally

Treat Canker Sores Naturally

Canker sores are shallow, painful mouth ulcers that form because of soft tissue injury or stress. In most cases, home treatment for canker sores helps reduce the pain and the sore generally heals within several weeks. If you suffer from a canker sore, try treating it with natural home remedies.


1. Apply ice to the sore or allow ice cubes to dissolve in your mouth. Keep any sharp corners away from the ulcer so the sore isn't further irritated. The ice helps reduce the pain.

2. Rinse out your mouth gently with warm salt water three times a day. Or, try diluted hydrogen peroxide or tea made with goldenseal root. Swish the water around and spit it out to help keep food particles out of the sore. The salt draws fluid to the sore to help healing.

3. Use a German chamomile extract. At least one study suggests taking this extract helps to reduce the pain of canker sores. Other home remedies involve burdock, lady's mantle and sage. Use herbs with caution and read up on use them correctly.

4. Take your vitamins. Studies suggest canker sores are more common in individuals with low levels of B vitamins. Vitamin C, iron and folic acid also appear to play a role in keeping canker sores at bay.

5. Eat yogurt. Yogurt helps to balance bacteria in the mouth and body. This promotes healing and helps prevent more canker sores from forming. Make sure the yogurt contains live acidophilus.

6. Place a used black tea bag on the sore and hold it there like a wad of chewing tobacco. The tannic acid present in the tea acts as an astringent and helps reduce pain.

7. Try baking soda. Mix baking soda with different amounts of water for either a mouthwash or paste to coat the sore. The soda eliminates bacteria in the mouth and reduces pain.

Tags: helps reduce, helps reduce pain, reduce pain, canker sores, bacteria mouth, baking soda