Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Find A Fertility Doctor

Many couples (approximately 1 in 5) seek medical help to deal with the problem of fertility. However, the research on infertility has increased over the years and medical science is able to help more couples than ever before achieve a pregnancy and have a healthy baby. But how do you find a fertility doctor and what can you do to prepare for the tests and treatments?


1. Buy a basal thermometer and begin using it. These thermometers can be found at most drug stores. The woman’s basal body temperature helps indicate a woman’s ovulation. Using a basal thermometer is generally one of the first tests a fertility doctor will require of couples and it's one that can be done simply at home. Beginning to take your basal temperature before you see a doctor will get you one step ahead.

2. Make an appointment with an OB/GYN to begin an infertility workup first. Many insurance companies require a referral from a regular doctor before they will pay for a specialist. In addition, many specialists require a referral from a regular doctor before they will see a new patient. An OB/GYN can give you information on the causes and treatments for infertility and begin some of the basic tests.

3. Ask your OB/GYN when you should consider seeing a fertility doctor. This will depend upon your and your partner’s ages, your doctor’s level of expertise in the field of infertility as well as the results from the tests he performed on you. Ask him about who the best infertility doctors are in your area while he is still running some preliminary tests. This will give you time to research the doctors to learn more about them.

4. Talk to your health insurance provider and find out if they cover infertility. Some insurance companies will cover it completely, some partially, while some insurance companies will not cover any infertility tests or treatments. The costs of infertility tests and treatments can run from $50 to $5000 or more. Infertility insurance is also available to help couples cover the costs of tests and treatments.

5. Be patient and be flexible with your schedule. Infertility can be caused from more than one reason and sometimes both partners have infertility issues. Many of the tests take months to complete, while some can only be done on certain days of a woman’s cycle or even at certain times of the day. Some doctors will try a treatment and wait for a month or so to see if it works, while other doctors will not consider treatments until they have run a barrage of tests on both partners.

Tags: tests treatments, fertility doctor, insurance companies, basal thermometer, before they