Monday, October 28, 2013

What Is Liquid Kelp Used For

Kelp contains elements with a wide range of health benefits. It can be preserved by drying or put in capsules, but the liquid form is often used because it holds the most advantages over the other forms.

Health Benefits

Kelp contains the essential element iodine, which helps the thyroid function. It is also a good source of many vitamins, nutrients and minerals.


The beneficial aspects of raw kelp are best preserved and concentrated when kelp is in liquid form. Liquid kelp retains significantly higher amounts of nutrients than dried or capsulized kelp.


Liquid kelp is easier to digest because it does not have to be broken down like capsules.


Liquid kelp can be mixed with other liquids to cover the taste. This makes it more pleasant to take for those who dislike capsules or the kelp taste.

Fun Fact

Lower quality liquid kelp is also used for fertilizer. It is chemical free and known to improve plant quality and yields.

Tags: Kelp contains, liquid form, Liquid kelp