Monday, October 7, 2013

Sue A Chiropractor

A chiropractor performs diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the locomotor system, especially the spine. Chiropractors offer a variety of benefits to patients, including treating lower back pain, neck pain and various forms of headaches. Despite these benefits. There are, however, also risks associated with treatment including, serious or fatal complications involving spinal manipulation. When a chiropractor causes harm to the patient and is in breach of his professional standard of care, it is important to file a suit for punitive and monetary damages.


1. Determine whether the chiropractor was obligated to provide patient care. Review any paperwork you completed before being treated by the chiropractor. To sue a chiropractor, an injured patient must prove that the chiropractor owed him a duty of care.

2. Determine whether the chiropractor caused harm to the patient. Harm could include pain and suffering, mental suffering and emotional stress, medical expenses, enjoyment of life or injury related expenses. Ask other chiropractors if medical malpractice occurred by your chiropractor. Prove that the chiropractor breached the professional standard of care. The most severe chiropractic injury is a stroke, which can result in temporary or permanent paralysis or death. Other chiropractic physical injuries can include skull fractures, frequent headaches, vertigo, punched arteries and facial paralysis.

3. Decide who is at fault. Provide evidence that the chiropractor's breach of professional standard of care was the cause of the patient's injury. Chiropractors must observe a standard of care for the chiropractor-patient relationship and failure to maintain this standard of care is the basis for liability.

4. Contact a medical malpractice attorney. Find a listing of medical malpractice attorneys in the Yellow Pages or by using the Medical Malpractice website. Many attorneys offer free consultations. Be prepared to explain the situation involving the chiropractor.

5. Ask for compensatory damages. Prove that the actions of the chiropractor caused you physical, financial, mental or emotional pain and suffering. Gather any information that pertains to the suit, including any lost monies.

Tags: standard care, professional standard, professional standard care, that chiropractor, breach professional, breach professional standard