Monday, April 29, 2013

Materials Commonly Found In The Skin Lungs & Blood Vessel Walls

Our bodies are made up of millions of cells, each with a distinct purpose and function. We may not be able to see them with the naked eye, but some of our body parts contain microscopic forms and materials that help protect us from outside invaders. This article will explore some of these materials found inside your skin, your lungs and blood vessel walls.

Skin Parts

The skin is actually a functioning organ in your body. It is the first layer of defense against viruses and harmful bacteria. It also holds your organs and bones in place. The skin contains a network of nerves that alert your brain when it is being damaged. The skin quickly moves to put new cells into place and push old ones out. In fact, much of what you actually "see" on your skin is old cells. We shed nearly 40,000 skin cells per day.

Inside Skin Layers

The skin's layers are the epidermis (the surface), dermis and subcutaneous layer. Within your dermis are blood vessels and nerve endings. There are also sweat glands that help provide cooling for your body on hot days. Inside your subcutaneous layer are the hair follicles.

Lung Hairs and Mucus

The lungs also have a number of materials that work hard to keep foreign debris out and air flowing in. Just before air reaches the lungs, it must pass by miniature hairs called cilia. The cilia help filter out microscopic dirt and debris.

Whenever you catch a cold or flu bug, your body must also fight hard to keep the airways clear. Mucus membranes begin to produce extra mucus, that slimy-colored stuff that comes up when you cough.

Blood Vessels

Blood vessels are responsible for distributing oxygen-rich blood to your various organs. They are basically miniature tubes with walls made up of three layers: tunica intima, tunica media and tunica adventitia. They are all made of elastic bands and connective tissues. The adventitia layer has the muscle nerves that let the blood vessels know when to contract or expand.


Plaque is a foreign material that is sometimes found on blood vessel walls. It is made up of damaged connective tissue cells, fatty lipids and white blood cells. When plaque builds up, it causes clogging inside the blood vessels. This is especially problematic with arteries because they carry blood supplies from the heart. Clogged arteries can lead to heart attacks.

Tags: blood vessels, your body, blood vessel, blood vessel walls, hard keep