Monday, April 29, 2013

Wedding Color Combination Ideas

The color theme for your wedding is an indication of your personality and sense of style. Colors are not just aesthetically pleasing; they can also be used therapeutically to infuse a mood into the event and make people feel a specific way. Colors are the basis of any interior design idea, so to plan your wedding theme, bridal party dresses, decor and catering, you need to decide on a color combination that suits the mood you want to convey.

Modern Monochromatic

Monochromatic color schemes include any color added alongside black and white. Monochromatic color combinations look clean, modern and sophisticated. A red, white and black combo or silver, black and white would suit a whimsical "Alice in Wonderland" fairly-tale or Gothic theme. Pink, black and white spells out romance and would match a floral or Victorian theme. Bronze or gold with black and white has a regal look that would flow nicely with an opulent, royal theme.

Color the Mood

According to studies on chromotherapy, or the study of color's effects on the human body, red tends to excite and increase heart rate while blue tends to calm the mind. Yellow is a happy color while purple is both stimulating and calming since it combines blue and red. Green is a mild sedative and is earthy and warm. Combine colors that emanate the feeling you want for your party; choosing green, purple and yellow is a happy, yet serene and healing combination. Choose two shades of blue with white for a calming celebration that you can accentuate with proper lighting.

Accent with Brights

Choose a dark brown or dull, dark color and splash it with small touches of pink or bright red. There should never be too much of a bright color; instead use it as an accent to liven up the decor in a contemporary way. Add hair accessories such as brightly colored flowers to add that splash into the bridal party's ensembles; add the same flower to the mens' lapels. Accent each table with brightly colored exotic flowers and keep the furniture white or muted. Bright colors make a statement and look very classy when used in moderation.

Tags: black white, bridal party, brightly colored, Monochromatic color, your wedding