Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Teen Depression Symptoms

Depression is a serious mental illness that should not be ignored. While sometimes the illness is confused with "the blues," the reality is depression is very common and in extreme instances can drive individuals to suicide. Here are some common symptoms in teen depression.


The individual feels a sense of sadness or hopelessness about life, goals or school.

Irritability, Anger or Hostility

The individual easily gets irritable, angry or hostile. Changes in mood happen often and unpredictably.


The individual no longer wishes to spend as much time with his family and completely withdraws.

Loss of Interest in Activities

The individual no longer appears to find joy or excitement from activities she use to love.

Lack of Enthusiasm and Motivation

The individual is down or uninterested in almost anything, and has a general lack of motivation.

Thoughts of Death

In extreme cases, the individual talks or considers taking his life through suicide.


The individual shows changes in eating and sleeping habits, restlessness and agitation, feelings of worthlessness and guilt, fatigue or lack of energy, and difficulty concentrating.

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