Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Ayurveda Snoring Cures

Snoring is not ordinarily considered a serious condition, but it can be disruptive to anyone sleeping nearby, and it can also lead to obstructive sleep apnea or upper respiratory resistance syndrome. Taking a look at what triggers or contributes to the snoring will help to find the way to alleviate the problem. The ayurvedic approach will take into consideration a person's energy field and its imbalance to find the cause and best treatment for snoring.


During sleep, the soft palate in your mouth relaxes, and the sound it makes when it vibrates is called snoring. Usually some narrowing of the airflow through the nose, throat or mouth causes snoring.


Several factors can contribute to snoring. Colds, sinus infections, swelling of the nasal passages or throat, obesity, smoking, alcohol consumption, and swollen tonsils or adenoids can contribute to snoring. Allergies to certain foods, such as dairy, can also contribute to swollen throat and nasal passages, causing snoring.

Other Considerations

Habitual snorers have been known to also be afflicted with daytime sleepiness, hypertension, and a higher risk of strokes, chest pains and heart attacks.

Ayurvedic Treaments

Ayurvedic medicine is based on the belief that each person's body has one of three doshas, or energy fields, that need to be in fine-tuned balance, and that imbalances affect a person's health and well-being.

People are categorized by their body type and by the way certain outside stimuli affect the body. People are placed into one of the three doshas--kapha, vata and pitta. The use of ayurvedic treatments also aids in getting to the root of the problem within the body as well as treating the ailment.

One ayurvedic treatment recommends that prior to bedtime and upon waking, apply 3 to 4 drops of plain or brahmi ghee into each nostril.

Another suggested treatment is to boil water and steep sage in it. Allow it to cool, strain it, then gargle with the sage water before going to bed.

Tags: contribute snoring, nasal passages