Monday, June 25, 2012

Mystical Uses Of Essential Oils

The use of essential oils dates back to ancient times. Essential oils were used for healing as well as mystical rituals and religious ceremonies. Oils such as sandalwood and myrrh were used for embalming and purification rituals.


The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans revered essential oils and used them for such purposes as to heighten spiritual awareness. The use of essential oils is even mentioned in the Bible.


There are several different essential oils such as chamomile, myrrh, cinnamon and lavender.


Essential oils are still utilized in magical spells, to anoint candles, and to help bring about specific results. The oils are also used to focus the mind, elevate consciousness and promote a meditative state.


Since ancient times, people have used essential oils in healing rituals for their curative powers. Oils such as lavender and lemon have antiseptic and/or anti-inflammatory properties.


Essential oils are believed to contain certain energy vibrations. Scent can have a powerful effect on the mind which may bring about desired results through mental focus, concentration and intent.

Fun Fact

Jars of essential oils, which were considered more valuable than gold and jewels, were placed in the tombs of ancient Egyptian Pharaohs.

Tags: essential oils, ancient times, bring about, Uses Essential, were used