Monday, June 11, 2012

Curry Powder Ingredients

Curry Powder Ingredients

Curry powder, mentioned in ancient texts and considered to offer widespread health benefits, remains a popular seasoning today. Used to create savory, golden soups, stews, and other dishes around the world, it is comprised largely of four spices: coriander, cumin, fenugreek, and turmeric. However, nearly 30 additional ingredients appear in countless curry powder formulations that vary in flavor from hot to mild.


Coriander, a foundational spice in curry powder, is a seed from the Coriandrum sativum plant. This Latin name translates to 'the cultivated buggy-smelling plant.' Coriander is known to have strong flavor and is closely related to parsley. Rich in fiber, iron, and magnesium, coriander is used to aid digestion, relieve gas, lower blood sugar and bad cholesterol, and work as an anti-inflammatory.


Cumin, curry powder's next base ingredient, comes from a flowering plant that grows well in the heat of the Mediterranean and India. Used regularly in Mexican and Indian cooking, cumin is brownish in color, and adds a distinct, savory aroma and flavor to dishes. Regarded as an antioxidant, immune system booster and digestive aid, it is also thought to possess anti-carcinogenic properties, which may hinder tumor growth.


Known for its maple syrup-like flavor, fenugreek is a plant whose leaves are harvested as herbs and whose seeds are used as spice. Another mainstay of curry powder, it has many applications, including as a tea, condiment, and seasoning as well as medicinally. Fenugreek, considered to have estrogen-like properties, has long been used to treat not just an array of reproductive and hormonal disorders but also induce labor and reduce menstrual pain.


Turmeric, which gives curry powder its trademark golden appearance, is a yellow spice derived from a tropical plant in India. Related to ginger, turmeric's rich hue is often used in dyes and coloring condiments. Turmeric, with the active ingredient curcumin, is considered a powerful healing agent useful for everything from disinfecting cuts to detoxifying the liver and also preventing and halting the growth of some types of cancer.

Other Ingredients

In addition to the four main ingredients, curry powder formulations routinely include other spices that enhance the flavor in different ways. Cinnamon, clove, and nutmeg impart sweetness to curry powder, while anise and fennel add a slight licorice flavor. Ginger, onion and garlic are often added for a more pungent taste, and black pepper, chilies, and cayenne are used for a hotter, spicier blend.

Curry powder, with its vast array of savory ingredients, has a prolific and established history. In addition to enhancing the cuisines of many cultures worldwide, the ingredients in curry powder offer a litany of health benefits that have been known and enjoyed for years.

Tags: curry powder, curry powder, curry powder formulations, Curry Powder Ingredients, health benefits, ingredients curry powder, powder formulations