Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Best Way To Do Kegels

Kegel exercises can help increase sexual functioning and pleasure.

If you flip through health magazines or browse medical websites, you are bound to stumble upon the topic of kegel exercises. Kegels are exercises that women and men can to do strengthen their pelvic floor muscles. A doctor may recommend kegel exercises to a woman to help her with a prolapsed uterus or with bladder incontinence. By strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, kegels can potentially strengthen a woman's orgasms and assist her in childbirth. Kegel exercises can help men with prostate pain, premature ejaculation and urinary incontinence.


1. Try stopping your flow of urine in midstream by internally tightening the muscles around your urethra and anus. If you are a woman or a man, this practice can help you locate your pelvic floor muscles, since they are the muscles you are engaging when you stop your urine flow.

2. Sit or lie down in a comfortable location. Practice contracting (lifting and squeezing) and releasing your pelvic floor muscles as you would do when you are stopping and starting your flow of urine.

3. Breathe normally when you are performing kegels. Do not hold your breath and do not contract the muscles in your buttocks or abdomen. The only muscles that should contract are the ones surrounding your urethra and anus.

4. Perform kegel exercises in small repetitions in sets of five at three different intervals during the day. Begin by contracting and holding your pelvic muscles for two to four seconds. Release the contraction and relax your body for 10 seconds.

5. Build up gradually to holding your pelvic contractions for about eight seconds. Increase your kegel exercises to 10 to 15 repetitions and continue practicing kegels three times a day.

6. Add into your kegel sets three or four quick, strong contractions that are only a second or two in length. It is beneficial to practice both short and long contractions to help gain control of your pelvic muscles.

7. Make it a habit to perform kegel exercises regularly. Practice your kegels in any location, such as at your desk or in the car. The benefit of doing kegels is that you can do them anywhere, at any time during the day, without anyone knowing.

Tags: your pelvic, floor muscles, pelvic floor, pelvic floor muscles, exercises help