Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Use Psychodrama To Resolve Inner Conflicts

Psychodrama is a means for you to access different aspects of your character which may be in conflict. Through psychodrama, these different aspects of yourself can meet each other, speak to each other, negotiate and work things out.


Use Psychodrama to Resolve Inner Conflicts

1. Sit by yourself in a relaxed space. You should choose a time to do psychodrama when you are not in a rush and have a good while to devote to the process, such as a half hour or more.

2. Think about a decision you have to make over which you feel torn. Some possible examples are: Should I quit my job? Should I move to a different state? Should I marry him? Once you know the question that you are going to work on, think about the possible different answers: Yes, no or maybe.

3. Let the part of you that wants to answer "yes" talk out loud. Let that part say everything it has to say about its point of view. Since you are alone, it will be okay to talk out loud. Let that part of you express everything it feels about why it wants to answer "yes."

4. Let the part of you that wants to answer "no" talk out loud. Let the "no" part of you tell the "yes" part of you why doing the action is not a good idea. Let the "no" part express everything about it feels.

5. Let the "yes" part and the "no" part dialogue together. If they get angry at each other, that's okay. Let the "maybe" part of you listen. The "maybe" part will be the one to make the final decision, after hearing both points of view. Let the "yes" part and the "no" part both talk as much as they want.

6. Stop when the "yes" part and the "no" part have reached an agreement, that is, when one part has come around to accepting the other part's point of view. When that happens, let the "maybe" part announce the final decision.

7. Failing to agree: If the "yes" part and the "no" part do not reach an agreement, it's okay to stop once they have gotten a thorough understanding of each other and each others point of view. It means that, through this process, you have learned about yourself, even if you have not yet reached any decision. This has been a good first step and now you are on your way. Because you know yourself better, all your choices will be better ones.

Tags: each other, maybe part, part part, point view, talk loud, wants answer, answer talk