Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Learn Meditation

Meditation can be particularly beneficial to people with stressful lives.

Meditation is the ancient practice of learning to quiet your mind to allow you to attain a state of total relaxation and a mind which is clear of thoughts. Any person of any age can learn to meditate. Regular meditation can lead to a feeling of calmness and can help you to let go of troubling thoughts. Meditation is basically a way of learning to relax your mind, in the same way that you might sit on the sofa at the end of the day to relax your body.


1. Choose a place to meditate. It should be somewhere which you find relaxing and a place where you won’t be interrupted. Try to avoid locations which are overly noisy, as this will hinder your meditation. Pick a spot which isn’t too bright or completely dark so as not to fall asleep.

2. Sit on a chair or on the floor. Ensure your body is upright and your head is at a comfortable angle. You can cross your legs to help with balance if you are able to do this. Your position should be firm but not rigid and uncomfortable.

3. Place a cushion under your bottom so that your pelvis is tipped forward slightly. This will help you to maintain your position.

4. Place your hands in your lap and close your eyes. This helps to shut out two forms of stimulation for your mind, as you will now not be able to touch anything or to see anything.

5. Breathe gently. Breathing exercises are very important in meditation. Breathe slowly and concentrate on each inhalation and exhalation. Focus your mind on your breathing and try to visualise each inhalation as breathing in a good feeling and each exhalation as breathing out a bad feeling. Repeat until you feel more relaxed.

6. Concentrate on your breathing and focus on its rhythm and on keeping each breath even. Clear your mind of all other thoughts. Do this for as long as possible.

7. Stand up slowly at the end of your meditation and gently stretch your body.

8. Drink a glass of water to hydrate your body.

9. Meditate every day. Anything from 15 minutes to an hour each day is enough to clear your mind and to make the practice of meditation beneficial.

Tags: your mind, your body, each inhalation, relax your, your breathing