Friday, January 14, 2011

Cures For Herpes Simplex Symptoms

Herpes simplex is a permanent infection, no matter where it occurs on the body. Some people with herpes experience recurrent outbreaks, anywhere from once every few weeks to once every few years. Other people have outbreaks so mild as to go unnoticed, or never have any symptoms at all. For people who do experience itchiness or pain as a result of herpes, there are many options for relief.


Herpes Simplex I most often affects the lower face, particularly the lips. It breaks out in what people often term cold sores or fever blisters. Genital herpes, which is most often caused by Herpes Simplex II, manifests itself as small red bumps which, after a few days, become blisters filled with a clear fluid. The infection is highly contagious at this stage. The blisters break open and crust over. These symptoms can appear nearly anywhere, but most often in the pelvic region: the genital area in both men and women, around the anus, and on the thighs or buttocks. Tingling is common just prior to the outbreak, and burning, pain and itchiness are frequently experienced when sores are present.

Home Remedies

To control the symptoms of herpes, you may not even need a prescription. Hot baths can have a major soothing effect on herpes sores. Washing with hot water a few times a day can have a similar effect. The rest of the time, keep the lesions dry and clean; otherwise, it's possible for them to get infected with bacteria and take longer to heal. Over-the-counter medications like aspirin or ibuprofen can often keep the pain at bay.


Three medications designed specifically to treat herpes symptoms are acyclovir, valacyclovir and famciclovir. Doctors prescribe such antiviral medications in two ways. In episodic therapy, you take the medicine as soon as you feel an outbreak coming on. The drug is taken for 2 or 3 days at a fairly high dose. The approach can reduce the duration of an outbreak by a couple of days. In suppressive therapy, you take the medication every day at a lower dose than is given in episodic therapy. Such treatment can reduce the number of outbreaks you have per year and may also lower your chance of spreading herpes to your partner, because it decreases shedding of the virus between outbreaks.

Tags: Herpes Simplex, most often, episodic therapy, once every, therapy take