Thursday, December 9, 2010

Get Grants For Infertility Treatments

Even one round of in vitro fertilization can be prohibitively expensive for couples without fertility grants.

A diagnosis of infertility can be a difficult one to come to terms with. However, advances in medicine mean that there are treatments available to help individuals afflicted with fertility problems. These can range from drugs to helps stimulate the production of sperm or ovulation to in vitro fertilization (IVF), whereby eggs are fertilized in a laboratory before being implanted into the uterus. Unfortunately, many of these treatments are expensive and beyond the financial reach of many couples. But there are grants available to help, albeit with restrictions.


Get an accurate, verified diagnosis. To qualify for an infertility grant you must be able to demonstrate that you fit into the American Society of Reproductive Medicine's criteria for infertility. In addition, your doctor will need to testify that, other than your infertility, there are no abnormalities in your reproductive system. You must also be under 45 years of age. There are a few organizations that will accept grant applications from women over this age, but most insist on it as a maximum.


Check you insurance for infertility coverage. Most policies will not cover expensive treatments such as IVF, but may cover you for drug prescriptions. Make sure you insurance policy covers medical procedures that may be required during pregnancy if your treatment is successful. You will also need to arrange health insurance for the child.


Research the organizations that offer infertility grants. They will all have their own selection criteria and may place restrictions on those given grants, such as requiring you to participate in marketing campaigns if successfully treated. Some require applicants to be married, while other give precedence to couples based in certain locations. Many give preference to childless couples.


Provide documentation to support your application. Besides your doctor's diagnosis of infertility, you will need to show that you do not have the financial resources to pay for the infertility treatment, but that you do have sufficient income to support a child. You will also need to show that your medical insurance does not cover the requested treatment. You may also be required to show proof of residence.

Tags: also need, available help, diagnosis infertility, need show, need show that