Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Choose Strapping And Taping Tape

Strapping and taping are techniques in which an athlete or sports trainer uses a specific kind of tape to wrap a limb before a sporting event to either prevent injuries or avoid aggravating an existing injury. It is typically used on knees, elbows and ankles to provide support to the joint making it more stable. There are many different kinds of tape available. Choosing which tape to use depends on which strapping or taping technique you will be using and on which limb you will be taping.


1. Elastic adhesive bandages are elastic cloth bandages with a rubber-based adhesive. They are a popular choice because they come in different sizes and can be used with many different techniques. Also, they permit movement without loosening but still allow the skin to breathe.

2. Cohesive bandages are typically made of a non-woven polyester and elastic fabric. Many cohesive bandages are waterproof. They are an excellent choice if you are looking for a tape to provide you with extra support to prevent injury.

3. Tubular bandages are more like support braces because they are pre-cut to fit a certain area such as a knee or elbow. They are usually cotton fabric with elastic and provide extra protection for an injured area.

4. Strapping tape comes in PVC, waterproof, and fabric options. It is commonly used to dress wounds.

5. Zinc oxide tape is a trainer favorite typically used to protect joints.

Tags: because they, many different, typically used