Friday, April 30, 2010

Homeopathic Light Therapy

Since the sixth century B.C., the sun has been considered a source of natural health and happiness. Today light therapy is used to improve many health conditions. The sun is a source of vitamin D, and other vitamins, hormones and enzymes need light in order to properly function. When people are deprived of sunlight, such as during the short days of winter or the rainy days of spring, their well-being can suffer. Light therapy uses artificial sunlight to replicate the sun's healing effects.


Homeopathic light therapy uses natural or artificial light to improve a person's mood, body weight, skin and even biochemical processes, according to It helps make us energized, happy and healthy when natural light is scarce. Without light, melatonin increases and serotonin decreases, causing us to become sick, tired or depressed.

Natural light therapy can consist of just sitting outside in the natural sun for 30 minutes, with your head raised toward the sky but not looking directly into the light. Half an hour of sunlight a day will provide you with the necessary amount of vitamin D that your body needs.

According to, artificial light therapy directs you to sit next to a light box filled with high-intensity light bulbs, which emit either full-spectrum or white light. This type of therapy can help cure an array of conditions, such as insomnia, anxiety, panic attacks, eating disorders, jet lag and depression from PMS or seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Depending on your case, you sit near the light for between 15 minutes and two hours. Results usually show in two to four days, but could take up to three weeks for more serious cases, like depression. Light therapy in the early morning apparently provides the best results.


Different types of light therapy are available for different conditions. One is colored light therapy, which bathes the body with flashes of colored lights to either stimulate or calm a person's nervous system. This could help with conditions that are thought to be caused by stress, such as dyslexia, according to the Arizona Homeopathic & Integrative Medical Association.

Pulsed light therapy is another type of therapy, which stimulates the neurons in our bodies and is used for more serious conditions. Pulsing lights are placed in front of a person, and the eyes are covered with a thin blindfold for protection. Pulsed light therapy is usually done for 5 to 20 minutes per session.

Low-level laser therapy uses lasers to penetrate the skin and restore abnormal cellular function, improve metabolism, improve circulation and heal skin tissues.

Tags: light therapy, light therapy, therapy uses, artificial light, more serious, Pulsed light, Pulsed light therapy