Friday, February 26, 2010

Home Remedies For Pain Relief

According to, over-the-counter pain relievers are ideal for reducing pain, but home remedies are also good for easing muscle and joint aches. Whether you have a cold or flu or sprained a muscle, or you can't get rid of that headache, home pain relief remedies may help reduce discomfort.


Headaches are difficult to deal with, and sometimes taking an over-the-counter pain relief does not reduce pain or discomfort. A popular home remedy for headaches is to rub 1 to 2 drops of peppermint oil onto the temples, and massage it into the skin. A German study published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health found that using peppermint oil was the equivalent to taking 1,000 mg of the pain killer acetaminophen. The peppermint oil appears to stop the body from transmitting signals of pain to the central nervous system.


One of the best home remedies for pain relief that involve sprains is the RICE method, which stands for rest, ice, compression and elevation. When you suffer a sprain or torn muscle, immediately stop what you are doing to prevent further injury. By continuing the sport on an injured muscle or tendon, you are increasing internal bleeding to the site. Cover the area with a towel, and place an ice pack over the injury to reduce swelling. Keep the ice on the site for 15 minute intervals, many times throughout the day.

Wrap the sprain or tear with a cloth bandage or wrap to apply pressure to bleeding blood vessels and capillaries. By using compression, you will prevent blood from spreading internally to the rest of the area. Finally, keep the area elevated to reduce blood pressure in the torn or sprained extremity. Keeping it elevated will reduce pressure in the location, reducing further damage to already fragile blood vessels.

Tags: pain relief, blood vessels, home remedies, over-the-counter pain