Thursday, September 12, 2013

Reduce Blood Sugar

High levels of blood sugar are not only unhealthy, but dangerous. Blood chemistry is a delicate solution that must stay in balance or you will become very ill. When you consume too much sugar or eat foods that are easily processed into glucose, the pancreas is forced to secrete an overload of insulin to combat the rise in blood sugar. Learn to reduce your blood sugar and lead a healthier lifestyle.


1. Eat fresh foods. Consume a diet rich in fresh vegetables and fruits. Read labels and put lots of fiber-rich foods into your body. Stay away from overly processed and fast foods. Eat simple and try to make food at home, rather than grabbing a hamburger and french fries on the run.

2. Cut out carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are one of the main ways to elevate your blood sugar and store fat. Skip pasta, rice, breads and any other foods high in carbohydrates.

3. Avoid sweets. This is the number one way to send your blood sugar sky high. Learn to read labels and become aware of foods with high sugar content.

4. Exercise. Daily walks, swimming, aerobics, jogging or skipping rope--it doesn't matter so much how you do it, just get your body moving. Regular exercise helps the body to expel excess calories and fats from the bloodstream. It also keeps your sugar levels normal.

5. Monitor your blood sugar. If you have had a problem with elevated blood sugar, purchase a home testing kit and monitor your sugar regularly. This will indicate if you need medical attention before you are in crisis.

6. See the doctor. Periodic examinations help the doctor to monitor your progress, especially if you are diabetic. In addition to providing suggestions about lifestyle changes such as diet, exercise and weight management, your doctor needs lab tests performed on a regular basis.

7. Stay calm. Like any other condition, stress aggravates your body's chemistry. When you are stressed, adrenaline is produced in response to the fight or flight mode. However, adrenalin also increases your blood sugar levels. Get plenty of sleep, remain cool under pressure and seek professional help if you are unable to manage your circumstances.

Tags: blood sugar, your blood, your blood sugar, your body, sugar levels, your sugar