Monday, March 4, 2013

Natural Herbs For Acne

Eating greasy foods or poor hygiene does not cause acne. Acne is hormonal in cause and usually kicks in during puberty. The release of hormones called androgens stimulates oil-producing sebaceous glands and the shedding of skin cells. This clogs pores and causes breakouts. Over-the-counter commercial products are usually drying and harsh to the skin. Herbs do not replace prescribed dermalogical medications, but they can help treat mild acne.

Tea Tree

Put a drop of tea tree oil on each of your blemishes three times a day. Tea tree oil has natural antiseptic properties and discourages infections. It also promotes faster healing. The tea tree is a native herb of Australia. You should see an improvement to your acne outbreaks within a month. To make a homemade blemish cream, mix 5 drops of tea tree oil with 1 tsp. of oil-free, fragrance-free lotion. Apply it 3 times a day to your acne breakout.

Witch Hazel

Blot witch hazel on your acne twice a day. Witch hazel makes a good skin astringent. It removes excess oil and kills bacteria on the skin. The commercial bottled astringent sold in stores is distilled from leaves and twigs of the witch hazel plant. Witch hazel contains a large amount of tannins that dry the skin. It also causes skin proteins to tighten, minimizing pore size.

Witch Hazel and Sage

Add five fresh sage leaves in a 4 oz. bottle of witch hazel. Let the mixture stand for 1 week. Soak a cotton ball in this mixture and dab on your acne each morning and night after you have cleaned your face. The volatile oils in sage contain thujone, which is a very strong antiseptic. This mixture also makes a great aftershave tonic.


Put a drop of lavender oil on each of your blemish scars. Lavender has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that promote healing. You should see results within two weeks of use. Look for lotions and cleansers containing lavender oil in health food stores.

Chasteberry and Calendula

Drink 1 to 2 cups of chasteberry and calendula tea daily. This is a hormone-balancing combination. This tea is especially good if you are prone to acne breakouts associated with fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone. These fluctuations usually happen during menstruation or menopause. Start drinking this tea 1 week before your period. Stop once you start your menstrual cycle. It may take a couple of months to regulate your hormones enough to see a difference in your acne breakout. Do not try to speed things along by drinking more than the recommended dosage. Ingesting too much of this tea can make your acne worse.

Tags: your acne, acne breakout, each your, Witch Hazel, your acne breakout