Thursday, March 21, 2013

Herpes Cold Sore Cure

Cold sores, which appear on the face around the lips and mouth, are caused by herpes type I simplex. Herpes type I is a common virus, which the majority of people become infected with at least once. In fact, in some developing countries, 100 percent of children have herpes type I by their fifth birthdays. Herpes type I can remain dormant in the body for a period of many years without causing cold sores. The cold sores appear when the virus becomes activated. The virus grows in the nervous system, extends down the nerves and causes cold sores (or fever blisters, as they are sometimes called) to occur. Following the cold sore attack, the virus generally becomes dormant again until the next outbreak.


There is no cure for herpes type I simplex. There are, however, cures and treatments available for the cold sores themselves. Most mild cold sores are not treated and instead just run their course, which usually lasts between seven and 10 days. There are some anti-viral drugs and home remedies that help cold sores disappear faster but usually must be applied at the first sign of an outbreak. Because the drugs do not cure the underlying herpes type I, additional outbreaks can occur.

Antiviral Medications

Antiviral drugs are designed to stop the active herpes virus from multiplying and causing additional cold sores once it becomes active. These drugs may be effective at shortening an outbreak, if used properly, but do not stop outbreaks or cure the virus. Acyclovir is the most popular anti-cold sore medication. It is available in pill form and cream form or can be given through an IV. Other types of creams are sold over the counter and contain benzoyl peroxide, which helps a blister disappear more quickly when applied directly to the blister.

Home Remedies

Certain home remedies may also help cold sores disappear faster. Juice from aloe plants may stop the sting of cold sores, help prevent the blistering of a cold sore and stop cold sores from spreading, if applied when the sore appears. Holding a teabag on the sore can also help prevent it from spreading. Rubbing ice on the sore within 24 hours of its first appearance may also help ease the pain associated with cold sores and shorten the length of the outbreak.

The use of a probiotic supplement called acidophilus may also help avoid outbreaks or shorten the course of outbreaks.

Vitamin Supplements

A vitamin imbalance or deficiency in the body can be responsible for outbreaks of herpes type I. Vitamin supplements, including C, E and zinc, may help maintain neutral pH levels within the body, avoiding acid excesses that activate herpes type I.

Avoid Activating the Virus

Since even the most effective cold sore treatments do not cure the underlying herpes, nor cause cold sores to disappear instantly, the best method of dealing with herpes is to avoid activating the virus. Because colds and the flu cause the virus to become active by weakening the immune system, you should wash your hands frequently to avoid getting a cold or flu. You should also use sunscreen and lip balm, since sun exposure can activate the virus.

Tags: cold sores, herpes type, also help, cold sores disappear, sores disappear, cold sore