Monday, December 3, 2012

Uses For Lavender Flowers

Lavender flowers attract attention for many reasons.

Lavender's pungent fragrance may suggest crisp clean sheets drying on a line in a spring breeze. Used for culinary purposes, in spa products and for alternative healing, lavender is native to the mountainous areas of the Mediterranean. Lavender has tiny purplish flowers, which, when dried, release the plant's soothing fragrance. Lavender flowers make lavender essential oil . Use lavender to relax or to ease patient post-surgery recovery. Steep lavender flowers in hot water or use lavender essential oil as a topical treatment to provide soothing relief. Add lavender flowers as a novel touch to recipes.

Alternative Healing

Adherents of alternative healing use essential oils to relieve health complaints with aroma and with topical applications, among other alternative methods. Lavender is considered to have relaxing properties. Calm frayed or stressed-out nerves by infusing lavender essential oil throughout a room. Inhale lavender to ease your body and mind. The alternative health website, Holistic Online, suggests adding lavender essential oil to a hot bath or adding lavender in massage oil.

Use lavender oil's antispasmodic and cooling properties to try to ease migraine pain, suggests Holistic Online. Rub lavender essential oil onto your temples and between your eyebrows. Caution: Do not substitute alternative healing for a physician's care and advice.

Lavender may provide benefits for patients after breast biopsy surgery. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center website, researchers gave 50 such patients oxygen with lavender oil or just oxygen. "Patients in the lavender group reported better pain control."

Culinary Uses

Pour champagne over lavender flowers for an elegant touch to a toast.

Lavender's versatility shows itself in the kitchen. Lavender's flowers are edible and complement other spices, such as rosemary and savory. Use fresh or dried lavender in small quantities to avoid bitter flavor. Sprinkle lavender flowers sparingly on salads. What's Cooking America, a culinary website, suggests substituting lavender leaves or spikes for rosemary in some bread recipes. Infuse sugar with lavender and add as an ingredient in cake or custard. Lavender provides visual and flavorful culinary pleasure. Pour champagne over lavender flowers for a lovely presentation and a flavorful complement to the drink.

Household Uses

Using lavender for household purposes leaves your home clean and smelling fresh. Place dried lavender flowers in cotton tea bags. Set your homemade lavender sachets in drawers and in clothes hampers to keep them smelling fresh. Simmer dried lavender flowers in water for a calming aromatic potpourri.

Lavender has antimicrobial properties, according to an article in the online version of The Herb Companion. Make a mixture using lavender and eucalyptus essential oils, vinegar and borax. Use the cleaning mixture on countertops, appliances -- not glass --or bathroom surfaces. Mix lavender and lemon essential oils to freshen and brighten carpets. Caution: Wear gloves to protect your skin from possible irritation.

Tags: lavender essential, alternative healing, dried lavender, essential oils, lavender flowers