Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Signs Of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis occurs when the body's immune system erodes the protective layer that covers the nerves. The consequences are irreversible. In severe cases, people lose the ability to walk and speak. The disease can strike at any age, but most commonly hits people who are between 20 and 40.

Common Early Signs

Initially, the disease can cause balance problems, limb weakness, tingling sensations, feelings of numbness and double vision or blurriness.

Less Common Early Signs

Rarer early symptoms include problems with coordination, slurred communication, sudden paralysis and cognitive issues.


Fatigue becomes very common as multiple sclerosis progresses. It tends to be most extreme in mid-afternoon. Associated with the fatigue are mental exhaustion, muscle weakness and severe drowsiness.

Strange Sensations

People with multiple sclerosis often experience a "pins and needles" feeling that can be very uncomfortable. Other sensations that point to the disease are a burning feeling; itchiness; numbness; and sharp tearing and stabbing pains.

Dizziness and Lightheadedness

People with multiple sclerosis often feel dizzy and lightheaded. The room might feel like it is spinning, a condition known as vertigo. These sensations result from the destruction of the complex nerve pathways that handle vision and various other brain inputs necessary for proper balance.

Tags: multiple sclerosis, with multiple sclerosis, Common Early, Common Early Signs, Early Signs, multiple sclerosis often, People with