Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Practice The Laws Of Attraction & Visualization

According to spiritual teachers like Abraham, we are all constantly using the law of attraction. But are we using it to get what we want? Abraham states that we will attract what we think and feel. If we fear failure and think negative thoughts about our capabilities, we attract failure. Yet if we consciously use the law of attraction, we can attain what we truly desire. Visualization is a powerful tool to help you succeed in using law of attraction to get what you really want.


1. Decide what you want. Many people get stuck here because they are afraid to pick the wrong thing. One desire leads naturally to another, so there really is no right or wrong here. Let your imagination loose.

2. Start at the end and think backwards. We are smarter than we think, and if we visualize the end goal, our minds will automatically begin to generate a detailed plan to get us there. For example, if the goal is to get a new job, don't waste effort imagining get the interview; picture that you already have the job.

3. Picture moments of triumph. When visualizing, it is important to picture something about your goal that pleases you. If you want a promotion, picture yourself cashing a fat paycheck or showing off that new, corner office to your dad--whatever it is about the promotion that makes you smile. Your visuals must match up with positive feelings.

4. Get in and get out---quickly! Once you've created a visual scene that is emotionally appealing to you, don't spend too much time there! Focus on that quick mental image of you cashing your check. If you stay with the visualization too long, you will begin to wonder how you will spend the extra money; and you may then begin to worry about your bills. These bad-feeling thoughts and emotions are called resistance. Eliminate resistance by keeping your visualization sessions brief.

5. Engage in frequent, brief visualizations throughout the day while not staying too long in a visualization session. The more you allow your thoughts to go to that positive future, the more energy is sent toward creating it. Repetition, repetition, repetition.

6. Don't overreach. If you despair that you may never find a job, don't try to convince yourself that you are superconfident. Try to gradually improve your feelings instead. Even a small improvement in your feelings will bring greatly improved results from the law of attraction.

Tags: about your, using attraction, what want, your feelings