Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Stop High Pressure Salespeople

Everyone’s been in a situation where someone was pushing them into buying something that they weren’t sure of or that they didn’t want at all. Remember that the salesperson is there to make money and they push you so that they can make more. In reality, they are there to help you and for your convenience. You are not there to make them more money buying things you don’t want or can’t afford.


1. Walk in and know your place and theirs in this scenario. Go into a store with the attitude that you’re the customer and the reason why these people have a job. You’re not there to please them. You don’t owe them anything. You can shop for hours and not buy a thing and you will not have done a thing wrong. If you don’t see anything, realize that that’s not breaching any kind of rule of etiquette. They’re there to please you, period. You’re there to find what you want, period. So it all starts with your attitude because now you know what there's is and what it should be.

2. Decide whether you want help in the store or not. If you don’t want to be bothered, tell them nicely that you appreciate their help but you really just want to browse. Let them know that if you find anything you like or if you need any help later, you will let them know. Usually this makes them back off.

3. Decide what you want to spend, also and stick to your guns. Remember it’s in their best interest to get you to overspend. They will show you the priciest items and push these the hardest. They will make you feel that you will be the only one out of the style loop on this one. Please think about the fact that these people make a living convincing people that what makes them money looks great–which is not necessarily what is great for you at all. (Trust that you know more about what looks good on you than they ever will.) Since they will not be helping you to pay for these purchases, they should get no vote on what you should actually buy at all.

4. Remember that the more wishy-washy and helpless you sound the more freedom they will feel to push you towards something that makes them the most money. Instead of telling the salesperson, ‘I have no idea what looks good on me,” tell them that you have something in mind but you want to look around and see what they have. If you have to have red, let them know but otherwise leave it open ended.

5. Don’t volunteer information. If you tell her you’re buying a dress for your friend’s wedding or your prom, he or she may start showing you what you must have because it’s all the rage for those occasions. Tell them only what they need to know. If they ask what the occasion is, just smile and tell them, ‘oh, something kind of special’ and drop it. If they push just repeat that line and add ‘if I told you it wouldn’t be my special secret.’ They aren’t there to get your life history--they are only there to make your shopping easier.

6. Don’t let them make you put yourself in a bad light. Choose your words. If the salesperson shows you something you can’t afford don’t tell her it’s too expensive which may make you feel embarrassed. Say instead that you don’t care to spend that much for this occasion. When someone’s pushing a dress that makes you look too hippy, say something like ‘this isn’t for me’ or ‘I would not be comfortable in that.’ Once you've said that it doesn't matter what they think it looks like because you've let them know that you would be unhappy with it no matter what.

7. Know what sales is all about before you go. You are trying to find something perfect and the salespeople are often trying to sell you anything and everything they can, regardless of how imperfect it may be. You are the one with the power to give them a sale or to leave the store. They have no power over you at all–unless you give it to them. Just a little attitude tweaking should be all you need to keep pesky and pushy salespeople out of your way.

Tags: them know, makes them, tell them, that they, there make, what they, give them