Monday, August 15, 2011

Health Benefits Of Yellow Onions

Health Benefits of Yellow Onions

When you slice into an onion, it can make you cry. It can fill your kitchen with a thick pungent smell, and it's sure to wrinkle some noses. When it's being prepared, the yellow onion may not appear to be the most appetizing vegetable. Still, it's eaten regularly thanks to its delicious taste that adds a kick to any meal. What many people don't also realize is that onions are extremely good for you.

Cardiovascular Health

Onions are high in sulfur, chromium and vitamin B6, all of which help to lower cholesterol and blood pressure. They also help reduce the risk of heart attack and heart failure, according to a study published in "Journal of Nutrition."

Blood Sugar Level

The more yellow onions you eat, the lower your blood sugar level will be. The allyl propyl disulfide in onions is thought to increase free insulin in the body, as published in "Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences."

Gastrointestinal Health

According to a study published in "Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology," the antioxidant quercetin found in onions has been known to prevent colon cancer and cure precancerous lesions in the stomach.

Bone Health

Yellow onions also help protect bones and promote their health, as chronicled in a study in "Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry." GPCS is a compound in onions that keeps bones from breaking down


A study published in "Nutrition and Food Science" in 2007 states that yellow onions act as an anti-inflammatory for the joints. This helps reduce pain caused by arthritis and similar medical conditions.

Tags: study published, also help, Benefits Yellow, Benefits Yellow Onions, Health Benefits