Tuesday, August 30, 2011

See The Future In A Crystal Ball

Quick…what do you think of when you hear the term “crystal ball”? The mental image of a psychic popped into your mind, right? Yes, crystal balls are the most recognized symbol for psychics, and for good reason—not only are they one of the oldest forms of divination, but quartz crystal is known for its metaphysical properties. But you don’t have to be a psychic to gaze into a crystal ball and get answers; almost anyone can do it with practice. Here is see the future in a crystal ball.


1. Purchase a quartz crystal ball, about 2 to 5 inches in diameter.

2. Wait for the night of the full moon.

3. Put your crystal ball on a table. Place it on its stand (rather than hold it) and set it on top of a blue or black velvet cloth.

4. Light a candle and place it close to the crystal ball, but not so close that it distracts you. Make sure that the candle is not reflecting on the ball.

5. Turn out the lights.

6. Sit on a chair in front of the crystal ball.

7. Gaze into the ball. Allow your eyes to go out of focus, but continue staring into the ball. Relax your body, and breathe slowly and deeply while you continue gazing into the ball. Do not try to see something. Just let whatever happens, happen. Feel a sense of peace as you gaze into the ball.

8. Notice a cloud forming in the center of your crystal ball. This cloud may appear to glow. Focus your attention on this cloud. Your visions will appear on this area of the ball.

9. Pay attention to the visions that appear. They may be of actual scenes (as if from a movie) or they may be symbolic representations of the future. Remember all that you see so that you can write it down in your diary after your session is over.

10. Remain gazing into the crystal ball, and watching your vision, for about 20 minutes. When you are finished, stretch your arms and slowly stand up.

Tags: crystal ball, into ball, gaze into, gazing into, into crystal